Stalin Museum, Gori

Got up and got ready, ate breakfast, walked to Liberty Square metro station, at the Freedom Square Georgian Defense Forces were rehearsing for the Independence Day program which was on the next day, 26 May. Took the metro to reach Didube Bus station, after asking a couple of people, found the marshrutka for Gori, paid 5 GEL for a ticket to Gori.

It took 1:30 hours to reach Gori, and got down from marshrutka near Stalin Museum. Visited the Stalin Museum next to Stalin park. Bought the entrance ticket for Stalin Museum for 15 GEL, spent around 1:30 hours at the Stalin Museum, a lot of historical pictures, images of World War II, history of Soviet Union and Stalin's life.

After the Stalin Museum, I visited the Great Patriotic War Museum, which was near to the Stalin Museum. There were war pictures from different Socialist Republics e.g. Ukraine, Romania, Belarus and from the Caucasus. A lot of medals, certificates and awards of soldiers serving under the Red Army are also kept there. Next, I walked to Gori Bus station which was around 2 KM from the museum, and bought a ticket to Tbilisi for 5 GEL.

The marshrutka departed in 10 minutes, reached Tbilisi, took the metro to reach my hostel, ate food, drank tea and took some rest. In the evening, it was raining heavily in Tbilisi, walked to a SPAR supermarket, bought a few items, I had to leave for India the next morning.

Some of the photos that I took that day