Gergeti Trinity Church hike, Stepantsminda

In the morning I got ready, packed my bags, checked-out from Tbil Home Hostel, took the 344 bus and walked to Liberty Square Metro station. Reached Didube Bus station, after asking a few people I found the marshrutka for Kazbegi, but it departed only after getting all the seats filled, so I had to sit and wait for more than an hour for marshrutka to depart.

Paid 15 GEL to the cashier, marshrutka departed at 10:15 AM from Didube Bus station, reached Kazbegi marshrutka station at 1 PM, and walked to the hostel. Ate food, charged my mobile, stored my heavier backpack at the hostel and went to hike Gergeti Trinity Church. Bought a few bananas and a half litre water bottle from a shop.

Walked from Gergeti street towards the church, I enjoyed the entire hike and the scenery was beautiful. I met a few people on the way, they were coming down, I also met a dog. Reached Gergeti Trinity church in 1:15 hours, spent half an hour at the top, ate bananas, enjoyed the beautiful views, and there were a lot of tourists at the church.

Then I went down using the same route, I came down faster then I hiked up. Reached my hostel around 4:30 PM, ate food and called it a day.

Some of the photos that I took that day