Liberty Square, Tbilisi

I had two things to do, first to buy a Magti Sim card and second to reach Batumi by evening. Walked to the nearby Magti store in Tbilisi but it was closed, later I found out it was a public holiday, there were other sim cards available but I wanted to get a Magti sim card, I read it had better network coverage throughout Georgia.

It was already around 12:30 PM, charged my mobile, and booked a Bolt ride to Didube Bus station to catch a marshrutka for Batumi. Reached Didube Bus station around 1:50 PM, there was one marshrutka ready to depart to Batumi, surprisingly there were no other passengers inside that marshrutka, I checked the price with the cashier, he said 35 GEL for Batumi. I said there are no other passengers, to the driver, the driver replied even if there are no other passengers, he will leave at 2 PM.

It was a long journey, the driver stopped 2-3 times in between, passed by Gori and Kutaisi, and the weather was clear. I was a little surprised to see a Chinese company building highways and tunnels in Georgia. The last leg of the journey was along the Black sea and I had a good view of the Black sea from the window seat, it was sunset time.

Reached Batumi around 8:30 PM, as I still didn't have a Georgian sim card, so I took help from local people to book a Bolt ride to my hostel. Hostel was nearby, checked-in to the hostel, walked to the nearby grocery store to buy some food items, ate some food, drank some tea and went to sleep.

Some of the photos that I took that day