Running 21 KM in the Vth Mekong Delta Marathon, Hau Giang

I woke up at midnight, and I slept for just 2:30 hours. Got ready and booked a Grab bike to reach the Luu Huu Phuoc park, there was a bus to take the participants to the start location of the run in Vi Thanh. The bus left from Can Tho at 1:30 AM and reached the expo centre in Vi Thanh at 2:30 AM.

The 42 KM run would start at 3:45 AM and then 21 KM run at 4:30 AM. I was running 21 KM so there were still two hours remaining. There was a juice vendor near the expo, I drank a fresh orange juice before the start of the run. The 21 KM run started at 4:30 AM, for the first 3 KM my pace was good and then it slowed down. It was still dark, only when darkness was over I could see the beautiful surroundings.

There were booths for water and energy drinks, with banana and watermelon at around every 3 KM. At some point it reminded me of the Kaveri Trail Marathon in Srirangapatna. I finished my run in 2:47 hours, I enjoyed my run, each new run is a different experience. Ate some fruits and drank sugarcane juice after the run.

I met two local people, they also came from Saigon to participate in the run, I joined them on the way back to Can Tho. To reach Can Tho we took a Futa bus which runs between Vi Thanh and Can Tho. I took a shuttle van of Futa busline from Can Tho Bus station to reach my hostel.

Took rest and in the afternoon got ready and booked a Grab bike to reach Can Tho bus station. I took the Futa bus from Can Tho to Saigon, the bus departed at 2:30 PM, I reached Saigon Western Bus station in the evening, and took the Futa bus shuttle to reach my hostel. At night I ate Pho Bo and Nasi Lemak at Musa Karim restaurant followed by an Oolong tea from 7-eleven.

Some of the photos that I took that day